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We report our results on the effect of incorporation of inorganic fullerene like nanoparticles (IF) and inorganic nanotubes (INT) of WS<Subscript>2</Subscript> into hybrid LED device structures. To disperse into a uniform fashion, the semiconducting INT/IF WS<Subscript>2</Subscript> NTs were functionalized with SDS (sodium dodecylsulphate)....</subscript></subscript>
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We study a tight binding model including both on site disorder and coupling of the electrons to randomly oriented magnetic moments. The transport properties are calculated via the Kubo-Greenwood scheme, using the exact eigenstates of the disordered system and large system size extrapolation of...
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We propose a scheme for constructing classical spin Hamiltonians from Hunds coupled spin-fermion models in the limit J<Subscript>H</Subscript>/t →∞. The strong coupling between fermions and the core spins requires self-consistent calculation of the effective exchange in the model, either in the presence of...</subscript>
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We suggest and implement a new Monte Carlo strategy for correlated models involving fermions strongly coupled to classical degrees of freedom, with accurate handling of quenched disorder as well. Current methods iteratively diagonalise the full Hamiltonian for a system of N sites with...
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