Showing 1 - 10 of 28
This paper develops an integer programming approach to two-sided many-to-one matching by investigating stable integral matchings of a fictitious market where each worker is divisible. We show that stable matching exists in a discrete matching market when firms' preference profile satisfies a...
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This paper studies a stability notion and matching processes in the job market with incomplete information on the …-specific information, we propose a stability notion which, in addition to requiring individual rationality and no blocking pairs, captures …
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Manipulability is a threat to the successful design of centralized matching markets. However, in many applications some manipulation is inevitable and the designer wants to compare manipulable mechanisms. We count the number of agents with an incentive to manipulate and rank mechanisms by their...
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We develop a theory of stability in many-to-many matching markets. We give conditions under which the setwise … parallels the standard theory of stability for many-to-one, and one-to-one, models. We provide results for a number of core …
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We develop a theory of stability in many-to-many matching markets. We give conditions under which the setwise … parallels the standard theory of stability for many-to-one, and one-to-one, models. We provide results for a number of core …
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Echenique, Lee, Shum, and Yenmez (2013) established the testable revealed preference restrictions for stable aggregate matching with transferable (TU) and non-transferable utility (NTU) and for extremal stable matchings. In this paper, we rephrase their restrictions in terms of properties on a...
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A standing question in the theory of matching markets is how to define stability under incomplete information. This … ``incomplete-information stability,'' a cooperative solution concept put forward by Liu, Mailath, Postlewaite and Samuelson (2014 …
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This paper develops a framework for studying repeated matching markets. The model departs from the Gale-Shapley matching model by having a fixed set of long-lived players (firms) match with a new generation of short-lived players (workers) in every period. I define history-dependent and...
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A refinement of the set of Nash equilibria that satisfies two assumptions is shown to select a subset that is stable in the sense defined by Kohlberg and Mertens. One assumption requires that a selected set is invariant to adjoining redundant strategies and the other is a strong version of...
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We analyze the structure of a society driven by power relations. Our model has an exogenous power relation over the set of coalitions of agents. Agents determine the social order by forming coalitions. The power relations determine the ranking of agents in society for any social order. We study...
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