Showing 1 - 10 of 115
We develop a Heckscher-Ohlin-Ramsey model, combining dual techniqueswith classic geometric techniques fromtrade theory. This framework is used to explore the long-run generalequilibrium effects of regional integration(preferential trade agreements). Emphasis is placed on positivemechanics...
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We study the optimal trade policy against a foreign oligopoly withendogenous quality. We show that, under the Most Favoured Nation(MFN) clause, a uniform tariff policy is always welfare improvingover the free trade equilibrium. However, a nonuniform tariff policyis always desirable on welfare...
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This paper is concerned with rules of origin when intermediate goods aredifferentiated. An analytical model emphasizes trade patterns and the relativeimportance of trade in intermediates given trade preferences. Econometric evidencebased on intra-OECD trade in motor vehicles and motor vehicle...
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The paper examines the effects of Russia joining the WTO taking into accountenergy sector reform and the impact of a future Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between theenlarged EU and Russia. The paper uses Computable General Equilibrium Modellingtechniques for quantifying the different possible...
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I develop an index for economic integration accounting for its gradual and bilateral nature: the Gradual And Bilateral Integration (GABI) index. The graduality captures differences in the depth and path of five stages in economic integration and is an improvement over the use of binary dummy...
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I develop an index for economic integration accounting for its gradual and bilateral nature: the Gradual And Bilateral Integration (GABI) index. The graduality captures differences in the depth and path of five stages in economic integration and is an improvement over the use of binary dummy...
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Public benefit-cost analysis of market policies often relies on a particular definition of market surplus that adds up consumer and producer surplus and external costs. This paper provides an overview of conceptual strategies to deal with moral considerations and then develops an adjusted market...
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We present a theoretical framework which allows for the comparison of the effectiveness of tax measures, loans and funding, in supporting industry-oriented research. We estimate for each of the instruments the exact contribution required by a firm to decide on investing in R&D, given the costs...
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A new and rapidly growing econometric literature is making advances in the problem of using machine learning (ML) methods for causal inference questions. Yet, the empirical economics literature has not started to fully exploit the strengths of these modern methods. We revisit influential...
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In practice, social and development interventions are often targeted at groups or individuals with the largest expected benefits. In such cases, treatment effects are usually affected by selection on unobservable factors. We show that modeling the process of selective intervention placement...
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