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Regarding the asymmetric and leptokurtic behavior of financial data, we propose a new contagion test in the quantile regression framework that is robust to model misspecification. Unlike conventional correlation-based tests, the proposed quantile contagion test allows us to investigate the stock...
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The purpose of the paper is to explore the relative biases in the estimation of the Full BEKK model as compared with the Diagonal BEKK model, which is used as a theoretical and empirical benchmark. Chang and McAleer [4] show that univariate GARCH is not a special case of multivariate ARCH,...
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We analyze output growth risk with respect to financial conditions across U.S. manufacturing industries. Using a multi-level quantile regression approach, we find strong heterogeneity in growth risk, particularly between the more vulnerable durable goods sector and the more resilient nondurable...
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The objects for sale in most auctions possess both private and common value elements. This salient feature has not yet …
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We study auctions in which the number of potential bidders is large, such as in Internet auctions. With numerous … Internet auctions. …
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lottery one license is auctioned, auctions select the firm that is least risk averse.This is what we call the risk …
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games, and show how it can be used to directly solve for equilibrium behavior in auctions, pricing games, tournaments, R …
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Unique-lowest sealed-bid auctions are auctions in which participation is endogenous and the winning bid is the lowest … bid among all unique bids. Such auctions admit very many Nash equilibria (NEs) in pure and mixed strategies. The two …
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There is by now a large literature arguing that auctions with a variety of after-market interactions may not yield an … auctioneer. We show that auctions with flexible entry fees have a fully revealing equilibrium where bidders signal their type …
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divestitures. The Dutch government has doneexactly that, organizing auctions to redistribute tenancy rights for highway …
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