Showing 1 - 10 of 173
The ratio of consumption to total household wealth (i.e., tangible assets plus unobserved human wealth) is commonly … financial liberalization which, by relaxing liquidity constraints of consumers, has permanently increased the consumption-to-wealth … ratio over the sample period. We calculate an alternative "cay" variable, i.e., the stationary part of the consumption-to-wealth …
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The use of various moving average (MA) rules remains popular with financial market practitioners. These rules have recently become the focus of a number empirical studies, but there have been very few studies of financial market models where some agents employ technical trading rules of the type...
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consumption-pattern based inequality index that summarizes the projection of inequality through expenditure patterns. Estimation … a significant relationship between representative consumption and cross-country demand patterns. …
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direct monetary cost and the indirect health cost (value of health lost) of unhealthy consumption. The health cost increases … with wealth and the degree of unhealthiness, leading wealthier individuals to consume more healthy and moderately unhealthy … provide an explanation for behavioral differences, and ultimately health outcomes, between wealth groups. …
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Since the beginnings of the eighties house prices in the Netherlands haveincreased steadily and considerably. In this paper we study the effect of this developmenton the demand for second mortgages and on the savings of Dutch households. We use the dataof the Dutch socio-economic panel for the...
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consumption changes in the US over the period 1952-2001. Theoretically, the effect of labour income risk on consumption changes is … consumption changes. A more important part of aggregate consumption changes is explained by the unobserved component. The …
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This paper uses housing returns to estimate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS) in consumption for ….e., equity and bill returns. An estimable regression equation for aggregate consumption growth and returns is obtained from the … aggregation of the consumption Euler equations of heterogeneous agents. As the regression equation includes unobserved omitted …
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the aggregate consumption to income ratio. By standard intertemporal budget constraint logic, this ratio is linked to … expectations of future income and consumption growth rates. We investigate whether these expectations suffice to explain the shifts … in the consumption-income ratio that occur during disaster periods or whether, on the other hand, consumers become more …
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in consumption in five key sectors: tourism, hospitality, services, retail, and public transports. We identify a large …-term sectoral consumption shifts may occur. …
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This paper examines the optimal allocation of risk across generations whose savings mix is subject to illiquidity in the form of uncertain trading costs. We use a stylised two-period OLG framework, where each generation makes a portfolio allocation decision for retirement, and show that...
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