Showing 1 - 10 of 124
unemployment, household care and disability to employment. Then we decompose the differences in expected duration between the … rate models that account for both the stock-sampling and the possible maximum duration for the transitions from …
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selective extension of the potential duration of unemployment benefits. If social interactions are important, this policy change … affects entitled individuals not only directly, but also indirectly by altering the duration of unemployment in the reference …
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limited supply. During the search for aposition as trainee (or junior medical specialist), they may accept atemporary job as a … juniormedical specialist. To deal with selectivity, we simultaneously model thetransitions from unemployment to trainee, from … unemployment to medicalassistant, from medical asistant to trainee and from medical assistant tounemployment. We find that a job as …
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We combine micro and macro unemployment duration data to study the effects of the business cycle on the outflow from … differences between the micro and macro unemployment definitions. The results also show to what extent the unemployment duration … unemployment. We allow the cycle to affect individual exit probabilities of unemployed workers as well as the composition of the …
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transition out of unemployment. We show that rationing of the demand for training increases theunemployment duration of non …
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applied to the multiple non-employment spells of 2066 newentrants. The estimated lagged duration dependence function rises for …
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In this paper we develop a structural model for job search behavior of students entering the labor market. The model … includes endogenous search effort and on-the-job search. Since students usually do not start a regular job before graduation … but start job search earlier, our model is non stationary even if all structural parameters are constant. The model …
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is related to the unemployment duration. We use the IVLR estimator to obtain the effect of these endogenous claimant and … variable in a duration model. We assume a Generalized Accelerated Failure Time (GAFT) model. This model is based on … approaches to duration data; the (Mixed) Proportional Hazard (MPH) model and the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model. The basis …
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To increase their transition from welfare to work, benefit recipients in the municipality of Rotterdam were exposed to various financial incentives, including both carrots to sticks. Once their benefit spell exceeded one year, welfare recipients were entitled to a reemployment bonus if they...
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the program. The literature uses linear probability models and (Cox) proportional hazard models to predict duration … outcomes. These either focus on one threshold duration or impose proportionality. In this paper we propose a nonparametric … work from unemployment insu rance, we do not find that the weighting method outperforms Cox survivor function predictions. …
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