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This paper sheds light on a recent empirical controversy about the effect of competition on price discrimination in … sales that is more skewed towards low prices. We show that whether competition has a positive or a negative effect on the …
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In a recent paper Hong and Shum [2006. Using price distributions to estimate search costs. Rand Journal of Economics 37, 257–275] present a structural method to estimate search cost distributions. We extend their approach to the case of oligopoly and present a new maximum likelihood method to...
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We present a strategic game of pricing and targeted-advertising. Firms can simultaneously target price advertisements to different groups of customers, or to the entire market. Pure strategy equilibria do not exist and thus market segmentation cannot occur surely. Equilibria exhibit random...
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We explore the characteristics of a capacity-then-price game for a duopoly market with product differentiation and stochastic demand. The analysis shows that a minimum threshold value for the level of vertical product differentiation exists, relative to horizontal product differentiation, for...
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We present a strategic game of pricing and targeted-advertising. Firms cansimultaneously target priceadvertisements to different groups of customers, or to the entiremarket. Pure strategy equilibria do not exist and thus marketsegmentation cannot occur surely. Equilibria exhibit random...
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In a recent paper Hong and Shum [2006. Using price distributions to estimate search costs. Rand Journal of Economics 37, 257–275] present a structural method to estimate search cost distributions. We extend their approach to the case of oligopoly and present a new maximum likelihood method to...
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develop a model of airline competition, which accommodates various market structures, some of which include low-cost players … rest of Europe, our statistical modelling resu1ts confirm the conclusions of the theoretical model. Competition among FSCs … appears to affect the price levels of business and leisure segments asymmetrically. In contrast, competition with LCCs reduces …
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rest of Europe, our statistical modelling resu1ts confirm theconclusions of the theoretical model. Competition among FSCs … appears toaffect the price levels of business and leisure segments asymmetrically. Incontrast, competition with LCCs reduces …
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This paper extends Hotelling's model of price competition with quadratic transportation costs from a line to graphs. I … of graph models of price competition is that spatial discontinuities in firm-level demand may occur. I show that the …
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We consider price-fee competition in bilateral oligopolies with perfectly-divisible goods, non … competition. Competition in both prices and fees necessarily emerges. It improves welfare compared to price competition, but …
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