Showing 1 - 10 of 126
Total Factor Productivity (TFP)is often used on the macro-economic level as an indicator of changes in efficiency of a … increasing and become positive after a (quite a) few years of transition. Many authors conclude that this is a gain in efficiency … increases in efficiency. To investigate this, the mathematical properties of TFP are analysed in order to generate new insights …
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Total Factor Productivity (TFP)is often used on the macro-economic level as an indicator of changes in efficiency of a … increasing and become positive after a (quite a) few years of transition. Many authors conclude that this is a gain in efficiency … increases in efficiency. To investigate this, the mathematical properties of TFP are analysed in order to generate new insights …
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The validity of family background variables instrumenting education in income regressions has been much criticized. In this paper, we use data of the 2004 German Socio-Economic Panel and Bayesian analysis in order to analyze to what degree violations of the strong validity assumption affect the...
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In this paper we use Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the impact of effect size heterogeneity on the results of a meta-analysis. Specifically, we address the small sample behaviour of the OLS, the fixed effects regression and the mixed effects meta-estimators under three alternative...
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We consider likelihood inference and state estimation by means of importance sampling for state space models with a nonlinear non-Gaussian observation y ~ p(y|alpha) and a linear Gaussian state alpha ~ p(alpha). The importance density is chosen to be the Laplace approximation of the smoothing...
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This paper puts forward a method to estimate average economic growth, and its associated confidence bounds, which does not require a formal decision on potential unit root properties. The method is based on the analysis of either difference-stationary or trend-stationary time series models,...
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We develop a mixed complementarity programming (MCP) based estimating framework for non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to examine the evolution of market access conditions in the textile and clothing sectors, working with a panel of bilateral trade data on textile and clothing trade, underlying...
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A test for serial independence is proposed which is related to the BDS test but focuses on tail event probabilities rather than probabilities near the center of the distribution. The motivation behind this approach is to obtain a test more suitable for detecting structure in the tails, such as...
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Exchange rates typically exhibit time-varying patterns in both means and variances. The histograms of such series indicate heavy tails. In this paper we construct models which enable a decision-maker to analyze the implications of such time series patterns for currency risk management. Our...
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By combining two alternative formulations of a test statistic with two alternative resampling schemes we obtain four different bootstrap tests. In the context of static linear regression models two of these are shown to have serious size and power problems, whereas the remaining two are adequate...
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