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When calculating the risk margins of a company with multiple Lines of Business–typically, a quantile in the right tail of an aggregate loss, assumptions about the dependence structure between the different Lines are crucial. Many current multivariate reserving methodologies focus on aggregated...
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The pricing of longevity-linked securities depends not only on the stochastic uncertainty of the underlying risk factors, but also the attitude of investors towards those factors. In this research, we investigate how to estimate the market risk premium of longevity risk using investable...
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This manuscript explains the individual claims generator “data simulation.R”. We use the statistical computing software R to design this individual claims generator. It may be used for developing and back-testing individual claims reserving methods in non-life insurance. We give a...
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This short paper provides tutorial guidance in the use of the R files within the Github repository affine_mortality containing the code used to fit, examine and compare continuous-time affine mortality models. The final implementation will be available as the R package AffineMortality....
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We generalize model calibration for a multivariate Tweedie distribution to allow for censored observations; estimation is based on the method of moments. The multivariate Tweedie distribution we consider incorporates dependence in a pool of lives via a common stochastic component. Pools may be...
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The paper is concerned with multiple claim arrays. We construct a broad and flexible family of models, where dependency is induced by common shock components. Models incorporate dependencies between observations both within arrays and between arrays. Arrays are of general shape (possibly with...
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The hierarchical credibility model was introduced, and extended, in the seventies and early eighties. It deals with the estimation of parameters that characterize the nodes of a tree structure.That model is limited, however, by the fact that its parameters are assumed fixed over time. This...
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In this paper, we bootstrap data on Canadian pensioners' mortality (spanning 1999-2008) that was recently published by the CIA (2014) in order to study the characteristics of its implied heterogeneity. We find strong support for the gamma frailty model. It is remarkable that our results are...
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Cohort effects have been identified in many countries. However, some mortality models only consider the modelling and projection of age-period effects. Others, that incorporate cohort effects, do not consider cohort specific survival curves that are important for pricing and hedging purposes. In...
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Pension funds and life insurers offering annuities hold long term liabilities linked to longevity. Risk management of life annuity portfolios aims to immunize or hedge both interest rate and mortality risks. Standard fixed interest duration-convexity hedging must be adapted to allow for both...
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