Showing 1 - 10 of 22
This thesis consists of four self-contained papers related to the Nordic electricity market. Paper [I] examine how the reform of the Nordic electricity markets has affected competition in the electric power supply market, Nord Pool. The question is if the common power market has been competitive...
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The purpose of this paper is to implement theoretically, the empirical observation that the relative importance of fundamental versus technical analysis in the foreign exchange market depends on the planning horizon. For shorter planning horizons, more weight is placed on technical analysis,...
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The seminal paper by Becker and Murphy (1988) proposed a model acknowledging both addiction and rationality in the consumption of addictive goods. We extend this rational addiction model to include two addictive consumption goods, where the goods may be substitutes or complements, and may...
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Can nominal exchange rates be characterized by deterministic chaos? To answer this question, a statistical framework utilizing a blockwise bootstrap procedure is used to test for the presence of a positive Lyapunov exponent in an observed stochastic time series (Bask and Gencay, 1998). Daily...
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non-linear dynamic models may be characterized and studied, where the degree of stability is defined by the effects of exogenous shocks on the evolution of the observed stochastic system. This type of stability concept is frequently of interest in economics, e.g., in real business cycle theory....
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We propose an extension of the often used rational addiction model. Our model includes both legal and illegal cigarettes. The model is tested on a Swedish data set covering the aggregate legal and illegal cigarette markets. When we treat legal and illegal cigarettes as independent demand...
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This thesis consists of four papers. The first three deal with deterministic chaos in exchange rate series whereas the fourth deals with technical analysis in the foreign exchange market. Paper [i] (
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How has the European monetary integration, with the creation of the EMU, affected the stability and volatility of foreign exchange? In order to answer this question, stability and volatility measures are defined and calculated. We then use these to investigate the changes in the stability and...
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It is well-known that cigarette smoking and the use of other addictive goods is harmful to health. Still, some people smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol in their daily life. The consumption of addictive goods seems, therefore, to be the anti-thesis of rational behavior. In this paper, however,...
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Can nominal exchange rates be characterised by deterministic chaos? To answer this question, a statistical framework utilising blockwise bootstrap was used to test for the presence of a positive Lyapunov exponent in a time series. In most cases, the null hypothesis of a non-positive Lyapunov...
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