Showing 1 - 10 of 16
The creation and testing of interaction terms in regression models can be very cumbersome, even in Stata 8. We propose a simple wrapping command, -fitint-, that fits any generalised linear model and tests any twoway interactions, as well as all main effects. There is no need to use -xi- because...
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This talk will discuss the use of Stata version 8 for teaching, in the context of working with large survey data sets. The range of estimation techniques discussed will include binary response models, discrete choice models, censored dependent variables and sample selection - all in applied...
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In the presence of more readily available panel data the question arises whether standard decomposition techniques can be applied in the same spirit as in cross-section data. Monte Carlo studies show that employing a simple decomposition into explained and unexplained parts in the presence of...
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Confidence intervals may be presented as publication-ready tables or as presentation-ready plots. -eclplot- produces plots of estimates and confidence intervals. It inputs a dataset (or resultsset) with one observation per parameter and variables containing estimates, lower and upper confidence...
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The cleaning and verification process of many different types of datasets often involves considering similar problems. This presentation will give a very brief simple overview of three useful processes and their associated Stata commands: 1. Finding, counting and removing duplicated data and...
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Stata 8 graphics have changed out of all recognition from that available in earlier versions. It was not just that a whole new array of options and sub-options were introduced, but the graph syntax itself completely changed. Just trying to produce a simple plot of x against y using Stata 7...
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I have been investigating various statistical methods of looking for poetical cadences (sentence ends which have rhythm) in Latin prose. Stata was used as my primary software for performing my own analysis, and for checking the analysis of previous scholars. Several methods for determining...
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Studying behaviour in economics, sociology, and statistics often involves fitting a model in which the outcome is an ordinal response which is only observed for a subsample of subjects. (For example, questions about health satisfaction in a survey might be asked only of respondents who have a...
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-gllamm- provides a framework within which many of the more difficult analyses required for trials and intervention studies may be undertaken. Treatment effect estimation in the presence of non-compliance can be undertaken using instrumental variable (IV) methods. We illustrate how -gllamm- can...
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