Showing 1 - 10 of 14
This paper examines the Declaration on the Future of the European Court of Human Rights – the product of the High Level Conference of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers that was held in Brighton, UK, in April 2012. The paper considers the extent to which the Declaration is likely...
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This working paper is the precursor to a chapter I am writing for an edited collection on substantive judicial review. In this working paper, I argue against the two dominant schools of thought in this area, according to which substantive review is either bifurcated (by reference to the...
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This report is from a Cambridge Workshop on the openness of large bioresources in synthetic biology and genomics (e.g. the 100,000 Genomes Project), held on 28 January 2016. Research in SB and Gx depends on the use of collections of tissue and data, commonly known as bioresources. Substantial...
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In my 2009 book Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine, I argued that morality is objective in several distinct though overlapping senses, and I further maintained that questions about the objectivity of morality are substantive moral questions (albeit usually at high levels of abstraction). In the...
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The fusion of law and equity in common law systems was a crucial moment in the development of modern Anglo-American law, with implications for the procedural, substantive and remedial aspects of law. This paper will introduce a volume of essays in which scholars undertake historical,...
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China's rapid growth in the absence of autonomous legal institutions of the kind found in the west appears to pose a problem for theories which stress the importance of law for economic development. In this article we draw on interviews with lawyers, entrepreneurs and financial market actors to...
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This article examines the leading principles governing interpretation of written contracts under English law. This is a comprehensive and incisive analysis of the current law and of the relevant doctrines, including the equitable principles of rectification, as well as the powers of appeal...
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The operation of the remedies for breach of the equitable duty of confidence are confused, largely because of a recent tendency to treat the action as a tort, with a consequent lack of emphasis of the equitable origins of the action for breach of confidence. This paper places the action and the...
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Drawing upon evidence from early-sixteenth-century Chancery pleadings, this paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the framing of the Statute of Uses 1536. It looks, not backwards from later unexecuted uses or trusts, but forwards from evidence of practice in creating uses in the...
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