Showing 1 - 10 of 132
change in Africa. Africa's development partners have devoted too few resources and too little attention to two critical …
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The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of institutional reforms on the revival of African economies. We study the impact of positive changes in business environment indicators of the Doing Business project and the Economic Freedom Index of the Heritage Foundation on the private sector...
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, especially in Africa, the role of foreign aid in the future should be distinctly different. While aid will be required to …
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As elsewhere, the Colombian private sector has been accused of promoting or profiting from violence in the country. However, the private sector's role in the armed conflict and the impact of conflict on entrepreneurial activity vary, as reflected by differences in political activism, in...
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This paper reviews the state of knowledge on the effectiveness of donor interventions aimed at improving the regulatory environment for private sector development in developing countries. Where regulatory reform is undertaken, the expectation is that there will be improvements to economic and...
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for Africa's political economies. It asks if there is such a thing as a homogenous and universal middle class, what its …
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Donor support for decentralization comes in two main categories: recommendations at the policy level and project activities at the programming level. At the policy level, donors promote decentralization by recommending greater autonomy for subnational actors. That is, they advocate for reforms...
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achieving security, yet the experience of changing policing systems in Africa is disappointing. Only South Africa and a few post …
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Over the past two decades, donors increasingly linked foreign aid to democracy objectives in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet … and how foreign aid affects the process of democratic consolidation in sub-Saharan Africa by examining two potential …
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Africa should industrialize. Without structural change it cannot sustain recent growth. Economies with more diverse and … sophisticated industrial sectors tend to grow faster. But since 1980 Africa has deindustrialized. The paper shows that between 1975 … and 2005 the size, diversity and sophistication of industry in Africa have all declined. An industrialization strategy …
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