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Lower Austria has been the fastest growing Austrian province since 1988. This growth has been favored by the opening of the borders of Lower Austria's Central and Eastern European neighbors, the relocation of economic activities from Vienna to the suburban areas of Lower Austria as well as...
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The Austrian economy continued to grow strongly in 2007, gross value added increased by 3.3 percent in real terms. However, a slow-down set in during the second half of the year, with the rate of growth dropping 0.4 percentage points below the figure for the first half (+3.5 percent)....
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The economic situation in 2005 lost some of its momentum in the first half of the year, but in the second half the Austrian economy saw dynamic development. The gross value added (without agriculture and forestry) rose slightly more than 2 percent in 2005. The weakening of export growth...
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The crisis-ridden countries of southern Europe find themselves in a situation comparable to the one of flagging regions within a country: both are members of a currency union – the euro area in the first case, and the common national currency in the second. In both cases, a key policy...
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The Agreement Governing Cross-border Commuting in Burgenland, concluded by Austria and Hungary in 1998, opened the doors for an influx of some 2,400 Hungarian cross-border commuters to the labour market in Burgenland. It attracted individuals whose success on the Austrian labour market surpassed...
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In the period from the enlargement of the European Union to the current economic crisis the CENTROPE region was characterised by a consistently high growth and a clearly improving situation on the labour market. From the economic point of view, however, the region is still poorly integrated....
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In 2009 business in the Austrian Länder suffered a serious shakedown as a consequence of the economic crisis, which primarily hit the manufacturing sector. Länder that have a high share of manufacturing businesses and which acted as growth drivers during boom times found their gross value...
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Austria's economy recorded a robust upswing in 2006, with real gross domestic product increasing by 3.2 percent. Growth drivers were exports and rising investment activity, while recent private consumer demand remained rather moderate. Although all Länder registered an upturn, these demand...
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In addition to giving a boost to foreign trade and foreign direct investment, the opening of the borders to the Central and Eastern European countries has also intensified links between companies which cannot be subsumed under the strictly separate categories of market-mediated and hierarchical...
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A survey of the relevant literature finds that no really satisfactory answer is yet available on the issue of how important foreign trade really is for labour market developments. European studies have (with some exceptions) arrived at the conclusion that foreign trade has little impact on...
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