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This paper considers the effect of Parker and Wine Spectator ratings on Swiss retail prices of thegrand cru classé of Médoc , Graves and St Emilion as well as the most renowned wines ofPomerol in a panel data setting. The application of a two-way fixed effects regression model todata of the...
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Mit der Einführung des Euros im Jahre 1999 sind in der Schweiz vielfachBefürchtungen geäussert worden, dass der Franken nicht mehr neben derGemeinschaftswährung bestehen könnte, dass der Franken so zu sagen von derEuroflut weggeschwemmt werde. Die seit 1999 gemachten Erfahrungen...
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This paper analyzes forward-looking rules for Swiss monetary policy in a small structural VAR model consisting of four variables taking into account data revisions for GDP. First, the paper develops an analytical method to analyze the effect of data revision errors in GDP on the ex ante or...
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This paper analyzes the recently documented instability of money demand in the euro area in the framework of a Markov switching trend model. First, we consider a standard °exible price model with stable money demand, rational expectations, and an exogenous income-money ratio which follows a...
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As is well known, the uncovered interest rate parity fails in the short run but usually holds in the long run. This paper analyses the long and short run interest rate parity of 10 mayor OECD currencies and finds that there is a long run failure of the uncovered interest rate parity condition...
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This paper analyzes forward-looking monetary policy rules in structural VAR's. First, an approach for modeling a monetary policy which aims at a strict medium term inflation or output growth target is developed. Second, the ex ante inflation-output-growth volatility trade-off for a...
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So far the discussion in Switzerland about the social costs and benefits of higher capital requirements resulting from the new Basel III Accord and the Swiss Too Big To Fail legislation has been heavily qualitative. This paper provides a quantitative view and estimates the long-run costs and...
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