Showing 1 - 10 of 88
An intertemporal reduced form model is estimated for boxed beef, carcass, and slaughter prices on a weekly basis. The results indicate that prices respond jointly to changes in economic information within weeks t and t – 1, supporting time-series studies showing farm and wholesale prices to...
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The forecasting performance of various multivariate as well as univariate ARIMA models is evaluated in the presence of nonstationarity. The results indicate the importance of identifying the characteristics of the time series by testing for types of nonstationarity. Procedures that permit model...
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This paper examines the extent to which observed changes in per capita beef consumption can be accounted for by changes in relative prices and per capita real income. Particular attention was given to specifying the functional form by focusing on the nature of demand shifts over time. These...
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Temporal relationships are investigated among fabricated cut prices, carcass value, and fed cattle prices. Also, linkages between fed cattle and wholesale beef prices are examined using vector autoregressive (VAR) techniques. Results, using daily prices over the 1980-85 period, suggested that...
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A Rotterdam demand model is used to detect evidence of structural change in beef, pork, and chicken demands. The demand model is partially inverted prior to estimation to account for meat supply fixity. Estimation uses a likelihood maximization routine applied to 1950 through 1985 annual data....
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This paper reports on the development of autoregressive-integrated-moving-average (ARIMA) forecasting models for selected cattle price series and the nearby live cattle futures price. The ARIMA models are fitted to weekly data by employing the Box-Jenkins time series modeling procedure....
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Price asymmetry in spatial fed cattle markets is investigated for three large markets (Texas Panhandle, Nebraska, and Colorado) and one small market (Utah). Little support is found for the notion that equilibrium prices for fed cattle are asymmetric between locations. However, adjustments to...
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The demand for fluid milk products has changed dramatically in recent years not only in terms of lower levels consumed but also in terms of the composition of the products consumed. A time-series based demand system analysis of the market for lowfat and whole milk products is developed...
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Most demand studies, particularly those for food products, choose somewhat arbitrarily either a linear or a log-linear functional form. Since choice of functional form has implications for elasticities and their properties over time, either form may be considered restrictive. An empirical test...
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This paper presents estimates of the economic and demographic effects on the demand for steak, roast, and ground beef. Using an almost ideal demand system, the results indicate that demand is inelastic for steak and ground beef, elastic for roast, cross-price effects are significant, and all...
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