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I show how the influences of unskilled immigration, differential fertility between immigrants and the local indigenous … low-skilled workers lose from unskilled immigration even if the indigenous lowskilled workers do not finance …
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Men's additional income from their guest-worker employment generates a pure income effect, which increases fertility. The timing of women's higher-wage employment relative to child bearing is crucial for its effect on fertility. If women work abroad during the same time period when they can bear...
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A highly skilled immigration can be growth enhancing if the positive contribution of the imported brains to the host … economy's human capital stock outweighs the immigration-induced adverse effect on educational incentives for natives, or …
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This paper analyzes patterns in the earnings development of young labor market en- trants over their life cycle. We identify four distinctly di®erent types of transition patterns between discrete earnings states in a large administrative data set. Further, we investigate the e®ects of labor...
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