Showing 1 - 5 of 5
outcomes. Particularly, students who attend a school with a one standard deviation better principal receive on average 0 …
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We study the effects of introducing a performance-based promotion program for teachers in Sweden. The program intended to make the teaching profession more attractive by raising wages for skilled teachers and taking advantage of teachers' professional competence. Our results show that: (i)...
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Students in East-Asian countries consistently score in the top in international assessments. One possible explanation … gradual roll-out of the program across compulsory schools, we find that it improves teaching practices and boosts students …
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We show that officer training during the Swedish military service has a strong positive effect on the probability to attain a managerial position later in life. The most intense type of officer training increases the probability of becoming a civilian manager by about 5 percentage points, or 75...
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­ever, social interactive ability turns out to be important for low aptitude students, whilst the reverse holds for cognitive … abilities. In fact, while high performing students benefit from high cognitive teachers, being matched to such a teacher can … even be detrimental to their lower performing peers. Hence, the lower abilities among teachers may hurt some students …
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