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, without the rise in the age at marriage, divorce rates would be considerably higher. Immigration and secularization, and the …
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-country correlation between the election success of ERW parties and immigration. Motivated by this evidence, we explore one potentially … important channel through which immigration may drive support for ERW parties: the presence of immigrants in the voters … features of the history of immigration into Austria to identify a causal effect of immigration on ERW voting results. We argue …
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This paper explores one potentially important channel through which immigration may drive support for extreme right …
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This paper explores one potentially important channel through which immigration may drive support for extreme …
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This paper analyzes patterns in the earnings development of young labor market en- trants over their life cycle. We identify four distinctly di®erent types of transition patterns between discrete earnings states in a large administrative data set. Further, we investigate the e®ects of labor...
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The East-West gap in the German population is believed to originate from migrants escaping the socialist regime in the German Democratic Republic (GDR). We use newly collected regional data and the combination of a regression discontinuity design in space with a difference-in-differences...
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