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earlier studies, we find that US postwar data are consistent both with the view that inflation dynamics are forward … relevant determinant of inflation. We show that this is an important factor contributing to the weak identification of the …
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In a game with rational expectations, individuals simultaneously refine their information with the information revealed by the strategies of other individuals. At a Nash equilibrium of a game with rational expectations, the information of individuals is essentially symmetric: the same profile of...
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In this paper I evaluate inflation targeting for ten countries. The evaluation is based on unconditional as well as … conditional measures of the variance of inflation around target. With strict inflation targeting, expectations of the future … Price Index (CPI) when calculating the inflation rate, I find that the null hypothesis can be rejected for six of ten …
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financed by money creation and to destabilizing expectations dynamics that can occasionally divorce inflation from fundamentals …. Our maximum likelihood estimates allow us to interpret observed inflation rates in terms of variations in the deficits … that cut inflation without reforming deficits. Our estimates also allow us to infer the deficit adjustments that seem to …
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Sticky-price models with rational expectations fail to capture the inertia in US inflation Models with backward …-looking expectations capture current inflation behavior but are unlikely to fit other monetary regimes This paper seeks to overcome these … problems with a near-rational model of expectations In the model agents make univariate forecasts of inflation: they use …
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In contrast to the existing literature on repeated games that assumes a Þxed discount factor, I study an environment in which it is more realistic to assume a ßuctuating discount factor. In a repeated oligopoly, as the interest rate changes, so too does the degree to which Þrms discount the...
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This paper analyzes the determinants of the interest rate of short-term unsecured loan inter-bank market (call) in Argentina. The results show that the heterogeneous nature of the entities, in terms of size and origin of ownership, impacts on the interest rate agreed. Other additional aspects,...
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We review and construct consistent in-sample specification and out-of-sample model selection tests on conditional distributions and predictive densities associated with continuous multifactor (possibly with jumps) and (non)linear discrete models of the short term interest rate. The results of...
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We analyze empirical links between the perceived tail-risk of inflation, the policy rate, longer-term interest rates … always in reaction to Fed announcements; and, (v) our impulse responses demonstrate that odds of extreme inflation outcomes …
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affects how agents learn from new information. We show that as inflation has risen in developed economies, both households and … firms have become more attentive and informed about inflation, leading them to respond less to exogenously provided … information about inflation and monetary policy. This observation holds for both firms and households. We also study the effects …
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