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Various inflation forecasting models are compared using a simulated out-of-sample forecasting framework. We focus on … the question of whether monetary aggregates are useful for forecasting inflation, but unlike previous work we examine a … are also reported on. The first shows that cointegration vector parameter estimation error is crucial when using VEC …
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The extent to which the stock market provides a hedge to investors against inflation is examined for African stock … markets. By employing parametric and nonparametric cointegration procedures, we show that the point estimates of the …
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linking interest rates to forecasts of future inflation. Such rules have been found to give rise to aggregate fluctuations due … properties of interest-rate rules whereby the central bank responds to a measure of past inflation. The consensus view that has … inflation are likely to ensure global stability provided that the coefficient on lagged interest rates is greater than unity. …
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-have been carried out at no cost to output. After suggesting a new methodology that allows for long-lived effects and inflation … combination of circumstances-i.e. capital inflows, structural reforms and the peculiar recent inflation history-can explain that …
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We employ parametric and non-parametric cointegration to investigate the extent of integration between African stock … cointegration approaches confirm the latter through recursive estimation. The implication is that global market movements may have …
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This paper generalizes the cointegrated vector autoregressive model of Johansen (1988) to allow for structural changes. Estimation under various hypotheses is made possible by a new estimation technique, that makes it simple to derive a number of interesting likelihood ratio tests. E.g., the...
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processes, cointegration is a necessary condition both for consistent estimation of the parameters of the model and … compatibility between the model and the data. Tests find little support for cointegration and, together with an out …
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inflation in the cointegrated models. Finally, impulse response functions in the first difference specification die out within a …
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When dealing with time series that are integrated of order one, the concept of cointegration becomes crucial for the … misspecified. This paper investigates the small sample performance of four well-known cointegration tests when a system has been …
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The temporal interdependence between saving and output has been in focus in a number of recent empirical studies. Results from these studies have compelled some authors to question the traditional notion of a causal chain where saving leads growth through capital accumulation. This paper...
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