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motives, the roles and the consequences of the Jesuits as agents of information regarding China affected the European … and transmission of information. It finds that economic progress and political consolidation in Europe did result in a …
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This paper presents a new method to detect informed trading activities in the options markets.An option trade is identified as informed when it is characterized by an unusual largeincrement in open interest and volume, induces large gains, and is not hedged in the stock market.For the period...
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We develop a new theory of international capital flows based on dispersed in-formation across individual investors …-standing asset price behavior. We introduce information dispersion into an openeconomy dynamic general equilibrium portfolio choice … model, and emphasize twoimplications for capital flows that are speci…c to the presence of dispersed infor-mation. First …
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We explore the relationship between public information and implementable outcomes in an environment characterized by … random endowments and private information. We show that if public signals carry no information about private types, then an … Bayesian incentive compatibility. The result extends the notion, dating to Hirshleifer (1971), that public information can have …
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strongly to predictable marginal cost changes, as expected from the Mankiw and Reis (2002) Sticky information model. We find …
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) receive information about past performance, or (d) receive no message. Expectations increase math scores by 0.19σ, with …. Information provision has comparably large effects (0.16σ), particularly in schools with low parental literacy. However, pairing …
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We analyze unique data on three sources of information on the probability of re-employment within 6 months (RE6), for …) assessments sometimes contain information not captured by the machine learning algorithm. …
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subjects. Irrespective of preference types, individuals vastly overestimate the extent of income inequality. An information …
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We provide a new characterization of AGM belief revision in terms of a Kripke-Stalnaker-Lewis semantics. We consider pointed frames consisting of a set of states, a distinguished state interpreted as the actual state, a Kripke belief relation and a Stalnaker-Lewis selection function. Adding a...
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We provide a new characterization of both belief update and belief revision in terms of a Kripke-Lewis semantics. We consider frames consisting of a set of states, a Kripke belief relation and a Lewis selection function. Adding a valuation to a frame yields a model. Given a model and a state, we...
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