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diminishes after some weeks. When taking account of the time spent in the program, the effect on the mean unemployment duration …The vocational employment training program is the most expensive training program in Sweden and a cornerstone of labor … market policy. We analyze its causal effects on the individual transition rate from unemployment to employment by exploiting …
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Unemployment insurance systems include monitoring of unemployed workers and punitive sanctions if job search …-2004. We estimate duration models dealing with selection on unobservables. We use weighted exogenous sampling maximum …
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the same individuals sampled from the inflow into unemployment. First, they were asked for their perceived probability of …
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unemployment duration and the quality of job matches, in conjunction with the possibility to report sick. We estimate multispell …Unemployment insurance agencies may combat moral hazard by punishing refusals to apply to assigned vacancies. However … search behavior do not apply. This reduces the ex ante threat of sanctions. Based on a large inflow sample into unemployment …
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welfare. We estimate multivariate duration models taking selection based on unobservables into account. Our results indicate …
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approach provides accurate effect estimates, especially if time-varying variation in the unemployment rate of the local labor …
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We extend the standard evaluation framework to allow for interactions between individuals within segmented markets. An individual's outcome depends not only on the assigned treatment status but also on (features of) the distribution of treatments in his market. To evaluate how the distribution...
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unemployment as well as across different subgroups of participants. We find that participating in short-term training reduces the … remaining time in unemployment and moderately increases job stability. Long-term training programs initially prolong the … remaining time in unemployment, but once the scheduled program end is reached participants exit to employment at a much faster …
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I expose the risk of false discoveries in the context of multiple treatment effects. A false discovery is a nonexistent effect that is falsely labeled as statistically significant by its individual t-value. Labeling nonexistent effects as statistically significant has wide-ranging academic and...
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Previous research suggests that there are substantial interactions between the unemployment insurance (UI) and the … sickness insurance (SI) in Sweden. Moral hazard arises in the interplay between these two social insurance systems, since by … benefits. This paper examines whether these interactions affect the transition rate from unemployment to employment. To study …
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