Showing 1 - 10 of 402
the introduction of the single currency. Panel unit root (Pesaran, 2007) and stationarity tests (Hadri and Kurozumi, 2008 …) that take into account cross-sectional dependence are also estimated. The results remain inconclusive as panel stationarity … tests fail to support PPP whereas panel unit root tests fail to reject PPP for the whole sample and for the period before …
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This paper applies the recently developed maximum-likelihood-panel cointegration method of Larsson and Lyhagen (2007 …
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The stationarity of OECD real exchange rates over the period 1972-2008 is tested using a panel of twenty six member … countries. The methodology followed stems from the need to meet several key concerns: (i) the identification of which panel … members are stationary; (ii) the presence of cross-sectional dependence among the countries in the panel; and (iii) the …
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real exchange rates in panel frameworks. One weakness of such tests, however, is that they fail to inform the researcher as … a small number of real exchange rates in a given panel may drive the results. In this paper we examine the PPP … when applied to a set of established panel-unit-root tests, allows the identification of the real exchange rates that are …
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The goal of this paper is to theoretically and empirically demonstrate the consequences of different imputation methods, using recent data from the International Price Program. We suppose that prices are missing due to random or erratic reporting. We consider three different imputation methods:...
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the composition of inflation over time. The authors calculate the contributions to inflation for individual series of the consumer price index (CPI) and personal consumption expenditures price index (PCEPI) and then aggregate those contributions into major...
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A long lasting controversy in Sweden as well as internationally is how to best estimate a price on the services of owner occupied housing in a consumer price index. There is no international consensus and different approaches have been adopted. In this paper we use a true cost-of-living index...
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This study reports the outcome of an effort to collect market price data for Norway with a view to constructing monthly price indices from the year 1777 to 1920. The material covers data on commodity prices from agriculture, fishery, dairying, manufacturing and mining. Indices of the wholesale...
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of money illusion. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel for the years 1993 to 2003, we cannot reject the …
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effect is large enough, devaluations can be contractionary. Using a large panel of 57 countries across the world and various …
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