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This paper presents results from a randomized field experiment to test for the importance of limited commitment (due to incomplete contract enforceability) in explaining intra-household risk sharing arrangements in Kenya. The experiment followed 142 daily income earners and their spouses for 8...
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This paper presents results from a field experiment designed to test whether savings constraints prevent the self-employed from increasing the size of their businesses. We opened interest-free savings accounts in a local village bank in rural Kenya for a randomly selected sample of poor daily...
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Using frequency domain techniques to separate short and long run dynamics and decomposing inflation into its common and … idiosyncratic components, we study the regime dependence of the inflation-RPV relation in Argentina and the USA. Under High … inflation, strong long-run comovement between RPV and Inflation is found for both economies, that extends to the short run …
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We use an agent-based computational approach to show how inflation can worsen macroeconomic performance by disrupting … the mechanism of exchange in a decentralized market economy. We find that increasing the trend rate of inflation above 3 …
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Correlations of inflation with the growth rate of money increase when data are averaged over longer time periods …. Correlations of inflation with the growth of money also are higher when high-inflation as well as low-inflation countries are … included in the analysis. We show that serial correlation in the underlying inflation rate ties these two observations together …
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financed by money creation and to destabilizing expectations dynamics that can occasionally divorce inflation from fundamentals …. Our maximum likelihood estimates allow us to interpret observed inflation rates in terms of variations in the deficits … that cut inflation without reforming deficits. Our estimates also allow us to infer the deficit adjustments that seem to …
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This paper examines the long-run effects of supply shocks (such as oil shocks) on inflation in the United States. The … persistence of supply shocks in U.S. inflation fell considerably during the period of Volcker's disinflation (1979-1982). My … the behavior of inflation expectations-agents expected shocks to persist in the pre-Volcker period, but not in the post …
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linking interest rates to forecasts of future inflation. Such rules have been found to give rise to aggregate fluctuations due … properties of interest-rate rules whereby the central bank responds to a measure of past inflation. The consensus view that has … inflation are likely to ensure global stability provided that the coefficient on lagged interest rates is greater than unity. …
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Various inflation forecasting models are compared using a simulated out-of-sample forecasting framework. We focus on … the question of whether monetary aggregates are useful for forecasting inflation, but unlike previous work we examine a …
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There is a body of literature that favors universal and unconditional public assurance policies over those that are targeted and means-tested. Two such proposalsthe basic income proposal and job guaranteesare discussed here. The paper evaluates the impact of each program on macroeconomic...
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