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This paper describes a package which uses MATLAB functions and routines to estimate VARs, local projections and other …
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Recent energy and food price surges, in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have exacerbated inflation pressuresthat are unusually high by the standards of the past two decades. High and rising inflation has prompted many emerging market and developing economy (EMDE) central banks and some...
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The two main empirical regularities regarding US postwar nominal and real business cycles are the Great Inflation and the Great Moderation. While the volatility of financial price variables also follows such pattern, financial quantity variables have experienced a continuous immoderation. We...
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This paper examines the long-run effects of supply shocks (such as oil shocks) on inflation in the United States. The persistence of supply shocks in U.S. inflation fell considerably during the period of Volcker's disinflation (1979-1982). My empirical results suggest that the difference between...
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Economic theory commonly distinguishes between different time horizons such as the short run and the long run, each with its own relationships and its own dynamics. Engle (1974) proposed a bandspectrum regression to estimate such models. This paper proposes a new estimator for non-stationary...
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In economics it is common to distinguish between different time horizons (i.e. short run, medium run, and long run). Engle (1974) proposed combining the discrete Fourier transform with a band spectrum regression to estimate models that separates between different time horizons. In this paper we...
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Modeling conditional distributions in time series has attracted increasing attention in economics and finance. We develop a new class of generalized Cramer-von Mises (GCM) specification tests for time series conditional distribution models using a novel approach, which embeds the empirical...
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In this paper we consider a deterministic complete information two groups contest where the effort choices made by the teammates are aggregated into group performance by the weakest-link technology (perfect complementarity), that is a "max-min group contest", as defined by Chowdhury et al....
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We characterise the set of equilibria in a deterministic group contest with the weakest-link impact function, continuous efforts and a private good prize, complementing the results obtained by Chowdhury et al. (2016). We consider a two-stages two-groups model, where in the first stage the agents...
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) indeterminacy. Hence, expectations matter for resulting equilibrium dynamics. Despite its simplicity, the model creates a rich set … fundamentals in models with indeterminacy. The model is applied to replicate two striking empirical characteristics of …
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