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This paper establishes conditions under which the classical CAPM holds in equilibrium. Our derivation uses simple arguments to clarify and extend results available in the literature. We show that if agents are risk averse in the sense of mean-preserving-spread (MPS) the CAPM will necessarily...
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Options are believed to contain unique information about the risk- neutral moment generating function (MGF hereafter) or the risk-neutral probability density function (PDF hereafter). This paper applies the wavelet method to approximate the risk-neutral MGF of the under- lying asset from option...
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This paper derives an equilibrium formula for pricing European options and other contingent claims which allows incorporating impacts of several important economic variable on security prices including, among others, representative agent preferences, future volatility and rare jump events. The...
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When jumps are present in the price dynamics of the underlying asset, the market is no longer complete, and a more general pricing framework than the risk-neutral valuation is needed. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we investigate the important diffrence between risk- neutral and physical jumps in...
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This paper studies sequential portfolio choices by MPS-risk-averse investors in a continuous time jump-diffusion framework. It is shown that the optimal trading strategies for MPS risk averse investors, if they exist, must be located on a so-called ‘temporal efficient frontier’ (t.e.f.)....
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This paper tackles the "aggregation problem" for stochastic economies with possibly incomplete market. An "aggregation theorem" is proved towards an analytic construction of the representative agent’s utility function. This is done within a general time-state setup with general utility...
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This paper is to provide a theoretical foundation of incomplete contract in an extensive game of multi-agent interaction. It aims to explain why rational agents may agree upon incomplete contracts even though it is costless to sign a complete one. It is argued that an incomplete contract creates...
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Is it possible to obtain an objective and quantifiable measure of risk backed up by choices made by some specific groups of rational investors? To answer this question, in this paper we establish some behavior foundations for various types of VaR models, including VaR and conditional-VaR, as...
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