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consumption risks and rare disasters. Only the volatility puzzles remain unresolved among the longer-established issues in this … literature. Motivated by empirical finance contributions and conventional wisdom, we abstract from a consumption-centric analysis … consumption growth. The resulting model compares favorably with the literature in explaining the risk-free rate volatility, but it …
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with nominal and financial rigidities and allow us to reproduce the same consumption multiplier as Galí et al. (2007 …
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The potential importance of the precautionary motive for saving has been noted in many studies during the last decades. This paper examines the determination of precautionary saving when people have access to intra-family risk sharing. I show that, with uncertain future income, altruism per se...
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This is an entry for The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Ed.
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Buffer-stock versions of the dynamic stochastic optimizing model of saving are now standard in the consumption … models, including the existence of a target level of wealth and the proposition that aggregate consumption growth equals …
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This paper introduces a method for solving numerical dynamic stochastic optimization problems that avoids rootfinding operations. The idea is applicable to many microeconomic and macroeconomic problems, including life cycle, buffer-stock, and stochastic growth problems. Software is provided.
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Economists working with numerical solutions to the optimal consumption/saving problem under uncertainty have long known … showing that in both cases the effects spring from the concavity in the consumption function which either uncertainty or … constraints can induce We further show that consumption function concavity once created propagates back to consumption functions …
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motives, the roles and the consequences of the Jesuits as agents of information regarding China affected the European … and transmission of information. It finds that economic progress and political consolidation in Europe did result in a …
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This paper presents a new method to detect informed trading activities in the options markets.An option trade is identified as informed when it is characterized by an unusual largeincrement in open interest and volume, induces large gains, and is not hedged in the stock market.For the period...
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We develop a new theory of international capital flows based on dispersed in-formation across individual investors …-standing asset price behavior. We introduce information dispersion into an openeconomy dynamic general equilibrium portfolio choice … model, and emphasize twoimplications for capital flows that are speci…c to the presence of dispersed infor-mation. First …
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