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Market liquidity is the ease of trading an asset. Its risk is the potential loss, because a security can only be traded at high or prohibitive costs. While the omnipresence and importance of market liquidity is widely acknowledged, it has long remained a more or less elusive concept. Treatment...
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Richer and healthier agents tend to hold riskier portfolios and spend proportionallyless on health expenditures. Potential explanations include health and wealth eects onpreferences, expected longevity or disposable total wealth. Using HRS data, we perform astructural estimation of a dynamic...
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We aim to compare financial technical analysis techniques to strategies which depend on a mathematical model. In this paper, we consider the moving average indicator and an investor using a risky asset whose instantaneous rate of return changes at an unknown random time. We construct...
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This paper uses statistical model selection criteria and Avramov’s (2002)Bayesian model averaging approach to analyze the sample evidence onstock market predictability in the presence of model uncertainty. Basedon Swiss stock market data, our posterior analysis finds that neither thecumulative...
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The empirical literature on the asset allocation and medical expenditures ofU.S. households consistently shows that risky portfolio shares are increasing inboth wealth and health whereas health investment shares are decreasing in thesesame variables. Despite this evidence, most of the existing...
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As early as the 1970s, European Union (EU) member countries implemented rulesto coordinate insurance markets and regulation. However, with the more recentmovement toward a general single EU market, financial services regulation hastaken on new meaning and priority. Solvency I regulations went...
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When firms approach distress, whether they engage in asset substitution (risk shifting) or rebuild equity (risk management) may depend on their access to capital markets. The property-casualty insurance industry has two features that make it ideal for testing this hypothesis: (1) the main losses...
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In this paper, we try to cover a whole range of polices and schemes that have been undertaken in Indiato finance disaster risk resilience (DRR). This paper tries to emphasise the importance of DRR in dealing with natural catastrophesby integrating DRR and climate change adaptation strategies for...
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Farmers in India are exposed to large agriculture risks due to vagaries of nature. One of the most effective mechanisms to mitigate agricultural risks is to have a robust insurance system. Although crop insurance has been in the country since 1972, yet it has been beset with several problems...
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Does corporate finance literature accurately identify firms facing homogeneous financing constraints when studying the impact of financing constraints on corporate investment? The short answer is no. The common practice of using pre-determined percentiles of a financing constraint metric...
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