Showing 71 - 80 of 200
Einleitung: In der zweiten Hälfte der neunziger Jahre ist die Verbesserung der CorporateGovernance börsennotierter Gesellschaften zu einem intensiv diskutiertenThema geworden. Im Unterschied zu früheren Debatten, wie sie vor etwazwanzig Jahren anlässlich der Arbeit von Jensen/Meckling (1976)...
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Recent empirical work shows that a better legal environment leads to lowerexpected rates of return in an international cross-section of countries. Thispaper investigates whether differences in firm-specific corporate governancealso help to explain expected returns in a cross-section of firms...
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This paper presents a case study based on a full dataset related to 31 companies operating in thePolish beer industry during the 1990’s. It discusses the impact of privatisation and of secondaryownership transfers on market outcomes. It confirms the critical role played by foreign...
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Building on the ‘law and economics’ literature, this paper analyses corporategovernance implications of debt financing in an environment where a dominant owner isable to extract ex ante ‘private benefits of control’. Ownership concentration may result inlower efficiency, measured as a...
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This paper examines the impact of agency conicts on corporate nancing decisions. Werst build a dynamic contingent claims model in which nancing policy results from a trade-obetween tax benets, contracting frictions, and agency conicts. In our setting, partially-entrenched managers set the rms'...
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We find that the decision by a potential acquirer to complete or cancel an announced acquisitionproposal is sensitive to new information generated after the announcement of the acquisition.Both the acquirer and target’s cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) over different windows afterthe...
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While in the US stock-based incentives are commonly used since the 50s of the last century, in Germany they were invented only some ten years ago. Even in 1996 firms faced considerable regulatory difficulties when willing to grant such incentives. In the meantime the legal environment has...
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We analyse to what extent the accrual anomaly is related to the choice of the accounting system as well as firm-level heterogeneity in corporate governance mechanisms. Using a unique dataset of listed German firms over the period 1995 to 2005 we first corroborate former results indicating that...
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This paper investigates the strategy of private equity investors to take public companiesprivate in blockholder-based economies. Drawing on a unique dataset, we providestrong evidence that private equity investors buy companies in order to mitigatepotential agency problems and hence to improve...
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This paper examines arbitrage spreads and returns following acquisition announcements in 362 cash tender offers spanning the 1981-1995 period. We document considerable abnormal returns to risk arbitrage using various investment strategies, holding periods, and benchmarks. Arbitrage spreads in...
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