Showing 1 - 10 of 134
Climate policies can target either the demand or the supply of fossil fuels. While demandside policies have been analyzed in the literature and applied in policy-making, supply-side policies, e.g. deposit policies, are a promising option and a recent research focus. In this paper we study...
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In this paper we estimate a dominant firm-competitive fringe model for the crude oil market using quarterly data on oil prices for the 1986-2009 period. All the estimated structural parameters have the expected sign and are significant at standard test levels. We find that OPEC exercised its...
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We question whether supply flexibility in oil production depends on the type of extraction technology. In particular, we ask if shale oil producers respond to price incentives when producing oil or completing new wells. Constructing a novel well-level monthly production data set covering more...
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This note expands Kilian's (2008) original time series of exogenous oil supply shocks along two dimensions. First, we extend the sample period and include production shortfalls in OPEC member states during 2004:10-2018:12. Second, we also consider production shortfalls in non-OPEC countries. Our...
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This study examines the utilization of iron ore in India. It takes into account thesignificant reserves of iron ore in India and allays fears that the country's steel industrywill run out of iron ore resources if exports continue at the current level. On the contrary,it says that exports are...
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Heifetz, Meier and Schipper (2005) introduced a generalized state-space model that allows for non-trivial unawareness among several individuals and strong properties of knowledge. We show that this generalized state-space model arises naturally if states consist of maximally consistent sets of...
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This paper provides three measures of the uncertainty associated to an impulse response path: (1) conditional confidence bands which isolate the uncertainty of individual response coefficients given the temporal path experienced up to that point; (2) response percentile bounds} which provide...
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In a Lucas orchard with heterogeneous beliefs, we study the link between market-wide uncertainty, difference of opinionsand co-movement of stock returns. We show that this link plays an important role in explaining the dynamics of equilibriumvolatility and correlation risk premia. In our...
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This paper examines how news coverage of the European Central Bank (ECB) affects consumer inflation expectations in the four largest euro area countries. Utilizing a unique dataset of multilingual European news articles, we measure the impact of ECB-related inflation news on inflation...
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Economic analysis has approached the problem of the neutrality of money through methods of supply-demand equilibrium in which changes in aggregate demand due to monetary or fiscal policy are equivalent to changes in the denomination of the monetary standard. We re-examine this question using...
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