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Hedge fund managers differ in ability and investors want to distinguish good ones from bad. Via the design of their investment strategies, better fund managers want to ease this inference problem while worse fund managers want to complicate it. We impose only the minimal restrictions on the...
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default under net settlement can also distort banks' investment incentives. ; Absent these distortions, net settlement …
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In this paper we use a simultaneous equations model to examine the relationship between analysts' forecasting decisions and institutions' investment decisions. Neglecting their interaction results in model misspecification. We find that analysts' optimism concerning a firm's earnings responds...
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We study financial fragility, exchange rate crises, and monetary policy in an open economy version of a Diamond-Dybvig model. The banking system, the exchange rate regime, and central bank credit policy are seen as parts of a mechanism intended to maximize social welfare; if the mechanism fails,...
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insurance funds when banks fail. Is PCA misguided, or are there incentive defects in the law and how the requirements are being …
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financing spending. We next examine the role played by financial institutions (e.g., banks) in the provision of finance. The …
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We estimate a large Bayesian time-varying parameter vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model of daily stock return volatilities for 35 U.S. and European financial institutions. Based on that model we extract a connectedness index in the spirit of Diebold and Yilmaz (2014) (DYCI). We show that the...
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important aspects closely related to NCM: the absence of banks and monetary aggregates from this theoretical framework, and the …
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puzzling observation from Turkish banking system. During 2015-2016, retail rates of Turkish banks displayed a persistent upward … deterioration in the structural liquidity positions of Turkish banks, reflected as rising loanto-deposit ratios (LDR). Our results … show that in the presence of increasing pressures from worsening funding quality, banks with high LDRs tried to attract …
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We show that U.S. banks do not engage in zombie lending to firms of deteriorating profitability, irrespective of … for banks and nonbanks, and an empirical setting with quasirandom shocks to firm profitability. Although credit migrates … from banks to nonbanks, zombie firms file for bankruptcy at an elevated rate, suggesting that nonbanks' zombie lending does …
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