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We develop a continuous time general equilibrium yield curve model under ambiguity aversion. A moderate level of … ‘aggregate ambiguity’ affects significantly the term structure and can drive the prices of common interest rate derivatives …, with random factors unpriced under the ‘standard’ paradigm that pay a premium for ambiguity. We provide explicit …
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We propose the Virtual Bingo Blower (VBB) as a way to generate credible risk and ambiguity in computerized experiments …, we measure ambiguity attitudes and vary the source of ambiguity, using either the VBB or natural events. We find that the … VBB and natural events result in a similar degree of ambiguity aversion. Further, we find that, by manipulating the number …
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ambiguity averse relation. First, we define two notions of more ambiguous with respect to such a class. A more ambiguous (I) act … makes an ambiguity averse decision maker (DM) worse off but does not affect the welfare of an ambiguity neutral DM. A more … ambiguous (II) act adversely affects a more ambiguity averse DM more, as measured by the compensation they require to switch …
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between the set of relevant measures, shown by KMS [21] to reflect only perceived ambiguity, and the set of measures (which we … perceived ambiguity. Regarding symmetry assumptions, we show that, under relatively mild conditions, a variety of preference … stringent. Only when it is satisfied may the Bewley set be interpreted as reflecting only perceived ambiguity and not also taste …
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We seek an evolutionary explanation for why in some situations humans maintain either optimistic or pessimistic attitudes towards uncertainty and are ignorant to relevant aspects of their environment. Players in strategic games face Knightian uncertainty about opponents' actions and maximize...
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The α-MEU model and the smooth ambiguity model are two popular models in decision making under ambiguity. However, the …
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We derive a model-free option-based formula to estimate the contribution of market frictions to expected returns (CFER) within an asset pricing setting. We estimate CFER for the U.S. optionable stocks. We document that CFER is sizable, it predicts stock returns and it subsumes the effect of...
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We analyze the pricing of risky income streams in a world with competitive security markets where investors are constrained by restrictions on possible portfolio holdings. We investigate how we can transfer concepts and pricing techniques from a world without frictions to such a more realistic...
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This paper assessed the quantitative impact of ambiguity on historically observed financial asset returns and growth … dividends next period as ambiguous. We calibrate the agent's ambiguity aversion to match only the first moment of the risk … growth outcomes. Ambiguity aversion accentuates the conditional uncertainty endogenously in a dynamic way, depending on the …
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This study develops and implements a theory and method for analyzing whether introducing new securities or relaxing investment constraints improves the investment opportunity set for risk averse investors. We develop a test procedure for 'stochastic spanning' for two nested polyhedral portfolio...
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