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We highlight that convergence in repeated averaging models commonly used to study cultural traits or opinion dynamics is not equivalent to convergence in Markov chain settings if transition matrices are time-varying. We then establish a new proof for the convergence of cultural traits in the...
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We investigate the pattern of intergenerational transmission of language in a bilingual society. We consider the case of Catalonia, where the two main speech communities, Spanish and Catalan, are of similar sizes, both languages are official, and each one enjoys the protection of a different...
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network that connects them. We find that information supports cooperation by increasing trust between players, and obtain the … 'radius of trust': an endogenous network listing the potentially cooperative relationships between pairs of players in a … community. We identify two aspects of trust, which relate to the network structure in different ways. Where trust depends on the …
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is more connected. Lump sum transfers to immigrants can hinder cultural integration. These findings are in line with …
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We construct a dynamic theory of civil conflict hinging on inter-ethnic trust and trade. The model economy is … breakdown of trust, plunging a society into a vicious cycle of recurrent conflicts (a war trap). The incidence of conflict can …
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This paper examines the differential effects of mother's schooling and father's schooling on the acquisition of schooling by their offspring. It does this in a 'cross-cultural' context by comparing results across three countries: Germany, Hungary and the Former Soviet Union. It looks within...
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This paper estimates the effect of female economic empowerment on domestic violence. I use individual level data from high-quality Swedish administrative registers on women's earnings and hospital visits relating to assault. With this third-party reported violence measure, I overcome the issue...
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We study how the intersection between skin tone and sex shapes intergenerational mobility of economic resources in Mexico. Using two recent social mobility surveys, we estimate the rank persistence and transition matrices by sex combined with skin tone groups. First, we find no differences in...
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This paper relates social mobility and social stratification to the structure of higher education. We develop an intergenerational model which shows that a two-tier higher education characterised by a division between elite and standard universities can be a key factor in generating permanent...
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This paper proposes an explanation for the decrease in social mobility that has occurred in the last two decades in a number of advanced economies, as well as for the divergence in mobility dynamics across countries. Within an intergenerational framework, we show that a two-tier higher education...
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