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the period 1980q1-2011q4. That is, income is more often found to predict consumption and saving than the converse. Our … consumption and by exploring the direction of Granger causality between the two series. We also give evidence that house price … changes played a role in the US income and consumption dynamics, before, during and after the Great Recession. …
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With the aid of econometric modeling, I investigate whether rapidly increasing house prices necessarily imply the existence of a bubble that will eventually burst. I consider four alternative econometric methods to construct indicators of housing market imbalances for the US, Finland and Norway....
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Does a "one model fits all" approach apply to the econometric modeling of regional house price determination? To answer this question, we utilize a panel of 100 US Metropolitan Statistical Areas over the period 1980q1-2010q2. For each area we estimate a separate cointegrated VAR model, focusing...
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In this paper the effects on aggregate consumption of changes in the age distribution of the population are analysed … empirically. Economic theories predict that age influences individuals' saving and consumption behaviour. Despite this, age … structure effects are rarely controlled for in empirical consumption functions. Our findings suggest that they should. By …
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In the current paper, the finite-sample stability of various implementations of the KPSS test is studied. The implementations considered differ in how the so-called long-run variance is estimated under the null hypothesis. More specifically, the effects that the choice of kernel, the value of...
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We use a new panel dataset of credit card accounts to analyze how consumers responded to the 2001 federal income tax rebates. We estimate the monthly response of credit card payments, spending, and debt, exploiting the unique, randomized timing of the rebate disbursement. We find that on average...
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consumption for longer. …
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In this paper the effects of a changing age distribution on aggregate consumption are analysed. This is done by … estimating a Norwegian consumption function which controls for age structure effects. The model is estimated on quarterly time … series data from 1968(3) to 1998(4). The results show that changes in the age composition affect aggregate consumption …
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We employ parametric and non-parametric cointegration to investigate the extent of integration between African stock … cointegration approaches confirm the latter through recursive estimation. The implication is that global market movements may have …
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We investigate optimal horizons for targeting inflation in response to different shocks and their properties under alternative preferences of an inflation-targeting central bank. Our analysis is based on a well specified macroeconometric model of Norway, but we examine how alternative...
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