Showing 1 - 10 of 287
Governments all over the world have invested tens of billions of dollars in car scrappage programs to fuel the economy in 2009. We investigate the German case using a unique micro transaction dataset covering the years 2007 to 2010. Our focus is on the incidence of the subsidy, i.e., we ask how...
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Many studies document failures of expected utility's key assumption, the independence axiom. Here, we show that independence can be decomposed into two distinct axioms - betweenness and homotheticity - and that these two axioms are necessary and sufficient for independence. Thus, independence...
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We conduct a large scale randomized field experiment to study whether providing recipients - 42,454 Chinese households in a rural area - with information on the costs of a real decision they make can help to improve the quality of their choices. The decisions are of high financial impact, as the...
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Previous research shows that taste is one of the most important factors in determining food choices, and that food choices may be affected by "nudging". We analyze how taste, as determined by meal attributes, and nudging affects consumption of a healthy labeled meal. Our analysis is based on a...
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This paper quantitatively analyzes the importance of taste versus health in food demand, as well as the effect on consumers' experienced taste of the non-intrinsic value of healthy labels. Our analysis is based on taste experiments and Vickrey second price auctions on potato chips and bread. Our...
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We use survey data to demonstrate that individuals extrapolate from their peer groups when forming estimates about aggregate economic outcomes (e.g. the aggregate homeownership rate). In a first approach, we follow the previous literature and construct hypothetical peer groups using information...
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In this article we propose a two stage procedure to model demand decisions by customers who are balancing several dimensions of a product. We then test our procedure by analyzing the behavior of buyers from an Austrian price comparison site. Although in such a market a consumer will typically...
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This article studies the effects of the latest European regulations on carbon emissions on the Italian car market and discusses the possibility of achieving climate neutrality of road transport through the "mere" replacement of cars currently on the road with new zeroemission cars. Since 2016,...
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The automotive industry in the European Union (EU) and Germany faces major challenges including decarbonisation, digitalisation and global competition. While the automotive industry has a significant economic role in terms of income and employment, it has immense ecological damages. The green...
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The European Union (EU) and Germany were already being confronted with rapidly changing dynamics on the economic, ecological, and technological terrains prior to the Covid-19 crisis. The pandemic however has fully exposed critical global value chain (GVC) dependencies, jeopardising European...
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