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linear instrumental variables estimation of a multiple regression model that is either exactly or overidentified. I show that … with linear instrumental variables estimation: (a) coefficients on endogenous variables are identical in full and partial … the covariate matrix other than its dimensions. While estimation of the full model uses the full set of instrumental …
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We provide a new method for jointly consistently estimating common trends and cycles in unit root nonstationary multivariate systems. We concentrate on the MA representation of the differenced data and we jointly impose the reduced rank restriction for the common cycles and the common trends on...
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The aim of this paper is to consider multivariate stochastic volatility models for large dimensional datasets. We suggest use of the principal component methodology of Stock and Watson (2002) for the stochastic volatility factor model discussed by Harvey, Ruiz, and Shephard (1994). The method is...
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efficient algorithms for small-sample estimation and inference. To fill these important gaps in the literature, this paper makes …, we develop a number of efficient algorithms for small-sample estimation and inference. …
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longer satisfactory. We use a panel of bank-specific data on 250 Swiss banks over the period 1987-1998. We find considerable …
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real exchange rates in panel frameworks. One weakness of such tests, however, is that they fail to inform the researcher as … a small number of real exchange rates in a given panel may drive the results. In this paper we examine the PPP … when applied to a set of established panel-unit-root tests, allows the identification of the real exchange rates that are …
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The paper re-examines existing estimators for the panel data fixed effects ordered logit model, proposes a new one, and …
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The paper reconsiders existing estimators for the panel data fixed effects ordered logit model, including one that has …
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It is common to transform data to stationarity, such as by differencing and demeaning, before estimating factor models in macroeconomics. Imposing these transformations, however, limit opportunities to learn about trending behaviour. Trends and deterministic processes can play a central role in...
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We make use of the extant testing methodology of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2006) and Aït-Sahalia and Jacod (2009a,b,c) to examine the importance of jumps, and in particular large and small jumps, using high frequency price returns on 25 stocks in the DOW 30 and S&P futures index. In...
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