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, when a bank's capital is constrained by regulation, regulatory cost (risk weightings in the Basel Accords) alters the risk … and value calculations for the bank's assets. The model predicts that the effect of a tightening of the capital …
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n this paper we analyse recovery rates on defaulted bonds using the Standard and Poors / PMD database for the years 1981-1999. Due to the specific nature of the data (observations lie within 0 and 1), we must rely on nonstandard econometric techniques. The recovery rate density is estimated...
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This analysis reveals the restricted scope of approaches which utilise arbitrage based arguments toprice contingent claims whose payoffs are determined by the outcome of non-zero-sum valuationgames between financial market participants. Many examples of such model formulations can befound, for...
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This paper develops a default-risky bond pricing model, which assumes that the default intensity is driven by a Markov chain and which accounts for default and liquidity risk. A representation of the bond price dynamics, which separates three different types of risk, was obtained. Introducing...
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We test whether the …´firms systematic equity risk reflects the shareholders´ incen-tives to default strategically on its debt. We use a standard real options model torelate the shareholders´strategic default behavior to frictions in the debt renegotia-tion procedure. We test its predictions...
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This paper investigates a model of strategic interactions in financial networks, where the decision by one agent on whether or not to default impacts the incentives of other agents to escape default. Agents' payoffs are determined by the clearing mechanism introduced in the seminal contribution...
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applies the stress testing framework of Norges Bank to analyse the cyclicality of capital positions and the cyclicality of … Basel II capital requirements for the entire bank portfolio of Norwegian banks. We find a substantial increase in the …
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Using supervisory loan-level data on corporate loans, we show that banks facing high levels of non-performing loans relative to their capital and provisions were more likely to grant forbearance measures to the riskiest group of borrowers. More specifically, we find that risky borrowers are more...
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The Indian debt overhang issue is one of the major reasons that fresh investments are currently not being made in the scale required to promote higher growth and boost employment. Among banks the public sector banks (PSBs) are burdened with the bulk of net non-performing loans (NNPAs). These...
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propose four principles to ensure the efficient resolution of bank failures, should they occur, with minimum, if any, credit … provisions in the single banking license available to banks in the EU. In return for the privilege of such a license, the bank …
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