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This paper presents a new numerical method for pricing American call options when the volatility of the price of the … volatility changes, we derive an integral representation of an American call price and the early exercise premium which holds … under stochastic volatility. This representation is used to develop a numerical method for pricing the American options …
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volatility and risk aversion that are similar to the ones observed in the data. In addition, the model produces an implied …
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The 1987 market crash was associated with a dramatic and permanent steepening of the implied volatility curve for …
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This paper provides regime-switching stochastic volatility extensions of the LIBOR market model. First, the … instantaneous forward LIBOR volatility is modulated by a continuous time homogeneous Markov chain. In a second parameterization, the … volatility is modelled by a square root process with a regime-switching reference level. We obtain analytical solutions for the …
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In this article, we describe the various sorts of American Parisian options and propose valuation formulae. Although there is no closed-form valuation for these products in the non perpetual case, we have been able to reformulate their price as a function of the exercise frontier. In the...
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span the volatility risk, an investor increases her investment in theunderlying stock. In addition, the investors indirect … utility increases significantly when allowed to span the volatility risk using variance swap contracts. …
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The challenge of international term structure models is to simultaneously account for the properties of interest rate term structures and foreign exchange rates within an arbitrage-free framework. We extend the quadratic term structure models proposed in Leippold and Wu (2002) to multiple...
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We develop a continuous time general equilibrium yield curve model under ambiguity aversion. A moderate level of ‘aggregate ambiguity’ affects significantly the term structure and can drive the prices of common interest rate derivatives toward the patterns observed in fixed income markets....
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stochastically correlated default intensities, ormultivariate dynamic portfolio choice with volatility and correlation jumps. We then … dynamic portfolio choice. First, we find that a three-factor matrix AJD model can generatevariations of the implied volatility … skew term structures that are largely unrelated to the level andcomposition of the spot volatility.[...] …
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In a Lucas orchard with heterogeneous beliefs, we study the link between market-wide uncertainty, difference of opinionsand co-movement of stock returns. We show that this link plays an important role in explaining the dynamics of equilibriumvolatility and correlation risk premia. In our...
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