Showing 1 - 10 of 352
We study the long-term effects of a randomized intervention targeting children's socio-emotional skills. The classroom …-based intervention for primary school children has positive impacts that persist for over a decade. Treated children become more likely … to complete academic high school and enroll in university. Two mechanisms drive these results. Treated children show …
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Do firms seek to make the market transparent,or do they confuse the consumers in their product perceptions? We show that the answer to this question depends decisively on preference heterogeneity. Contrary to the well-studied case of homogeneous goods, confusion is not necessarily an equilibrium...
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We investigate the educational choices of first- and second-generation immigrantstudents at the transition between lower-secondary school and high school byexploiting a large longitudinal dataset of about 50,000 students in Italy. We findthat immigrant students are less likely to choose...
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capital, consistently with the idea that educational reforms favour the human capital acquisition of abler children from …
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We study how the duration of paid parental leave affects the accumulation of cognitive skills among children. We use a … reform which extended parental leave benefits from 12 to 15 months for Swedish children born after August 1988 to evaluate … the effects of prolonged parental leave on children's test scores and grades at age 16. We show that, on average, the …
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Obesity is increasing worldwide for both adults and children. Genetic disposition is responsible for some variation in … obesity in children and adults. This paper analyzes the effect of mother's labor supply in childhood on young adults … importance of childhood environment on children's later life outcome and the importance of behavioral changes in explaining the …
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To estimate causal effects of college choice, we exploit eligibility rules for student loans in a regression discontinuity design. Loan programs induce students to pursue college degrees that are more expensive and prolonged relative to technical education. Although higher education is...
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This paper investigates differences in outcomes between historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) and traditional college and universities (non-HBCUs) using a standard Oaxaca/Blinder decomposition. This method decomposes differences in observed educational and labor market outcomes...
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markets and whether the effects spill over to spouses and children. There is substantial evidence that more educated people … spouses or children. …
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Education and wealth are positively correlated for individuals approaching retirement, but the direction of the causal relationship is ambiguous in theory and has not been identified in practice. We combine administrative data on individual total wealth with a reform expanding access to lower...
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