Showing 1 - 10 of 11
In the US, workers must satisfy two requirements to receive unemployment insurance (UI): a tenure requirement of a minimum work spell and a monetary requirement of a past minimum earnings. Using discontinuity of UI rules at state borders, we find that the monetary requirement decreases the...
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We study how the demand for programming skills has impacted inequality. We create a new dataset with information on wages, employment, and software of Brazilian programmers, covering the period from the birth of information technology (IT) to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI)....
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How does international trade affect technology diffusion? We show that tariff increases in Brazil lead to more international technology transfers to Brazilian firms and more citations to foreign patents. The highest increase in citations occurs among firms located near those receiving technology...
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I study the effect o f a q uota f or disabled workers o n t he l abor m arket a nd o n welfare. Using a task-based model, I show that the effect o f a q uota w ill d epend o n the productivity of disabled workers and their labor supply elasticity. I estimate the productivity of disabled workers...
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What is the effect of robots and tools on employment and inequality? Using natural language processing and an instrumental variable approach, we discover that robots have led to a sizable decrease in the employment and wages of low-skill workers in operational occupations. However, tools -...
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I study the effect of an innovation subsidy on the growth of firms in a developing country. Using administrative microdata for Brazil and difference-in-differences, I find that innovation subsidies drive firm growth by facilitating firm entry into high-tariff markets with domestically produced,...
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Can anti-dumping tariffs increase employment? We compile data on all antidumping (AD) investigations in Brazil matching it to firm-level administrative employment information. Using difference-in-differences, we find that, an AD tariff decreases imports and increases employment in the protected...
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I describe a structural method to quantify the contribution of different elements of social choice to the level of redistribution. Estimating a DSGE model with microdata on the support for redistribution, I find that if voters disregarded their ideological views on welfare policies,...
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I show that the weather condition on election day affects future fiscal policy. When it rains during state elections, there is an increase in the relative income of voters, which is followed by an increase in expenditure and debt. The increase in expenditure is directed towards a larger police...
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Trade sanctions are a common instrument of diplomatic retaliation. To guide current and future policy, we ask: What is the most cost-efficient way to impose trade sanctions against Russia? To answer this question, we build a quantitative model of international trade with input-output...
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