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methodology is presented, and via a large set of prediction experiments using the panel dataset of Stock and Watson (2005). One of … difficult to beat in forecasting competitions. In some sense, by using our approach to predictive factor proxy selection, one is …
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Diffusion index models have received considerable attention from both theoreticians and empirical econometricians in recent years. One reason for this is that datasets with many variables are increasingly becoming available and being utilized for economic modelling, and another is that common...
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macroeconomic indicators (not including spreads) perform best when forecasting inflation in non-volatile time periods, while …
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We propose a new approach to forecasting the term structure of interest rates, which allows to efficiently extract the … information contained in a large panel of yields. In particular, we use a large Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) with an … forecasting performance of our proposed model relative to most of the existing alternative specifications. While most of the …
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Various inflation forecasting models are compared using a simulated out-of-sample forecasting framework. We focus on … the question of whether monetary aggregates are useful for forecasting inflation, but unlike previous work we examine a … some of our models. Our findings indicate that there are forecasting gains from allowing monetary aggregates to enter into …
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We study the transmission of monetary shocks and monetary policy with a behavioral model, corrected for potential misspecification using the DSGE-VAR framework elaborated by DelNegro and Schorfheide (2004). In particular, we investigate if the central bank should react to movements in the...
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We take an agnostic view of the Phillips curve debate, and carry out an empirical investigation of the relative and absolute efficacy of Calvo sticky price (SP), sticky information (SI), and sticky price with indexation models (SPI), with emphasis on their ability to mimic inflationary dynamics....
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We review and construct consistent in-sample specification and out-of-sample model selection tests on conditional distributions and predictive densities associated with continuous multifactor (possibly with jumps) and (non)linear discrete models of the short term interest rate. The results of...
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Models based on economic theory have serious problems at forecasting exchange rates better than simple univariate … this paper, we propose to forecast exchange rates with a large Bayesian VAR (BVAR), using a panel of 33 exchange rates vis … forecasting. In addition, we adopt a driftless random walk prior, so that cross-dynamics matter for forecasting only if there is …
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Using a two-sector endogenous growth model, this paper explores how productivity shocks in the goods and human capital producing sectors contribute to explaining aggregate cycles in output, consumption, investment and hours. To contextualize our findings, we also assess whether the human capital...
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