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This paper examines if international trade can reduce total welfare in an international oligopoly with differentiated … goods. We show that welfare is a U-shaped function in the transport cost as long as trade occurs in equilibrium. With a … Cournot duopoly trade can reduce welfare compared to autarchy for any degree of product differentiation. Under Bertrand …
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Two-way trade in (almost) homogenous products has ambiguous welfare effects if entry is restricted. We examine Swedish … imports of bottled water to investigate whether transport cost losses from trade outweigh the partial equilibrium gains from … trade (stronger competition and more brands to choose from). Using monthly data for all brands sold in stores during 1998 …
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Recent empirical evidence suggests that prices for some goods and services are higher in larger markets. This paper provides a demand-side explanation for this phenomenon when firms can choose how much to differentiate their products in a model of monopolistic competition with horizontal product...
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. Yet standards may also have a positive side, such as certifying product quality and safety for the consumer. This paper …
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This paper presents a dynamic general equilibrium model of trade between two advanced countries in which both …-South) trade explanation for increasing relative wage inequality. A global reduction in trade barriers increases R&D investment and … upgrading, if and only if R&D is the skill-intensive activity relative to manufacturing of final products. Trade liberalization …
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model of trade and location. More specifically, we introduce horizontal and vertical multi-region firms into the core … effects found in the CP model by making the range of trade costs for which the core-periphery equilibrium occurs smaller. The …
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stemming from terms-of-trade improvements and reduced dependence on subsidized and protected industries. The paper also …
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Forward sales is a credible commitment to aggressive spot market bidding, and it mitigates producers’ market power in electricity markets. Still it can be profitable for a producer to make such a commitment if it results in a soft response from competitors in the spot market (strategies are...
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We provide a model that explains the following empirical observations: i) private ownership is more efficient than public ownership, ii) privatizations are associated with increases in efficiency and iii) the increase in efficiency predates the privatization. The two key mechanisms explaining...
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