Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Most labour market analyses take money wages as the sole measure of compensation for labour, thus excluding fringe benefits. We examine an extended compensation measure by incorporating mandatory collective earnings-related insurance rights: the rights of individual old age pension, sickness...
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The paper compares the distribution of individuals’ wage to the distribution of labor compensation when important non-wage benefits are included. In our study for Sweden focus is on pensions, survivors’ benefits and sickness benefits. These are non-observed. A method of estimating these...
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Ersättningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsäkringen har förändrats flera gånger under 1990-talet. 1996 års sänkning från 80 till 75 procent ledde till en tioprocentig ökning av övergångarna till arbete enligt det statliga Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). I vår...
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The elasticity of taxable income indicates the effects on income from a change in the marginal tax rate. In a number of studies on U.S. data rather strong effects have been found, although estimates seem lower in more recent papers. Studies based on data from other countries are only a few and...
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Att ersättningsgraden i arbetslöshetsförsäkringen kan ha viss effekt på arbetslösheten är knappast ifrågasatt. Diskussionen i forskningen gäller mest hur stor den effekten kan tänkas vara i praktiken. Det statliga Institutet för Arbetsmarknadspolitisk Utvärdering (IFAU) publicerade i...
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Carling, Holmlund and Vejsiu reported in the October 2001 issue of the Economic Journal that a cut in the unemployment insurance replacement rate from 80 to 75 percent caused a 10 percent increase in the job finding rate. They also identify an anticipatory reform effect up to five months before...
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