Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Climate change and global resource shortages lead to a rethinking of classic individual mobility basing on combustion engines. As a result of technological improvements first electric vehicles are introduced and further market penetrations can be expected. But due to a possible wider...
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Electric vehicles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions, increase energy efficiency, and help to reduce the dependency on oil imports. However, today's technical and economic challenges are preventing mass-market adoption. In order to create an early market and support economies of scale in...
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PHEVs are discussed controversially. On the one hand, the evolutionary approach of a hybrid vehicle helps the consumer to adopt to electric driving, using the range extender when driving longer distances. On the other hand, PHEVs have a more complex propulsion system and a potentially low...
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In den bisher diskutierten Konzepten zur Ladung von Elektrofahrzeugen ist die kabelgebundene (konduktive) Ladung vorherrschend, bei der der Nutzer das Kabel zur Ladung ein- bzw. wieder ausstecken muss. Häufige Ladevorgänge und insbesondere Kurzladungen lassen jedoch dieses Ein- und Ausstecken...
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Die häufig erwähnten neuen Geschäftsmodelle im Bereich der Mobilität können im Einzelfall helfen, die unterschiedlichen Kostenstrukturen verbrennungsmotorbasierter und elektrischer Fahrzeuge sowie technologische Unsicherheiten auszugleichen oder unterschiedliche Industrien...
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This study establishes a new approach to analyzing the economic impacts of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) regulation by simulating the restrictions arising from un-predictable mobility requests by vehicle users. A case study for Germany using average daily values (in the following also called the...
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Plug-in vehicles powered by renewable energies are a viable way to reduce local and total emissions and could also support a highly efficient grid operation. Indirect control by variable tariffs is one option to link charging or even discharging time with the grid load and the renewable energy...
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Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are expected to balance the fluctuation of re-newable energy sources (RES). To investigate the contribution of PEVs, the availability of mobile battery storage and the control mechanism for load man-agement are crucial. This study therefore combined the...
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Current policies in the U.S. and other countries are trying to stimulate electric transportation deployment. Consequently, plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption will presumably spread among vehicle users. With the increased diffusion of PEVs, lithium-ion batteries will also enter the market on...
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This paper considers the integration of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in micro-grids. Extending a theoretical framework for mobile storage connection, the economic analysis here turns to the interactions of commuters and their driving behavior with office buildings. An illustrative example...
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