Showing 1 - 10 of 46
In this paper, we present the results from a field study on smart metering in Germany and Austria, focusing on the effects of providing feedback information on average electricity consumption. Econometric analyses are applied using a cross section of observations for more than 2000 households...
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This paper analyzes the effects of providing feedback on electricity consumption in a field trial involving more than 1,500 households in Linz, Austria. About half of these households received feedback together with information about electricity-saving measures (pilot group), while the remaining...
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Demand-side load management is considered a cost-efficient solution for ac-commodating growing shares of intermittent renewable electricity production. Here, we use double-bounded dichotomous choice (DBDC) contingent valua-tion (CV) to estimate the effectiveness of a subsidy for companies to...
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[Einleitung ...] Das Arbeitspapier gliedert sich wie folgt. Im nächsten Kapitel wird ein Markthochlaufszenario für Elektrofahrzeuge, das mögliche Ladeverhalten von Nutzern der Elektrofahrzeuge sowie der Einfluss einer höheren Ladeleistung auf die Mobilität dargestellt. Aufbauend auf dem...
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[Einleitung und Motivation] Sektorkopplung bzw. Sektorenkopplung ist in den letzten Jahren in der Energie- und Klimapolitik als neue Begrifflichkeit aufgetaucht. Der hohe politische Stellenwert der Sektorkopplung in der heutigen energiepolitischen Diskussion spiegelt sich unter anderem im...
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Die Marktprämie hat im ersten Jahr ihres Bestehens Entwicklungen angestoßen, die für die mittelfristige Marktintegration der erneuerbaren Energien sehr wichtig sind. Die Marktprämie eröffnet neuen Akteuren den Handel mit Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien und kann so Wettbewerb und Innovation...
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The EU appliance energy consumption labeling scheme is a key component of efforts to increase the diffusion of energy-efficient household appliances. In this paper, the determinants of consumer knowledge of the energy label for house-hold appliances and the choice of class-A energy-efficient...
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Many countries are currently considering bans on incandescent light bulbs and other policies to enhance the residential diffusion of energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). However the reasons for currently limited diffusion of CFLs are largely unknown. This paper employs a Double Hurdle...
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Taxing imports from regions which are not subject to climate policy and subsidizing exports into these regions have recently been proposed to address presumed negative effects of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) on industry competitiveness and carbon leakage. This paper analyzes the...
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In this paper we econometrically analyze the impact of several economic, environmental and social determinants for the average per capita demand for water and sewage in about 600 water supply areas in Germany. Besides prices, income and household size, we also consider the effects of population...
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