Showing 1 - 10 of 65
Clawbacks are contractual provisions in executive compensation contracts that allow for an ex post recoupment of variable pay if certain triggering conditions are met. As a result of regulatory responses to financial crises and corporate scandals as well as of growing shareholder pressure to...
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In a principal-agent model, we analyze the consequences of bonus taxes agents need to pay, limited deductibility of bonuses from company pro fits and a corporate income tax (CIT). We explore how these tax instruments a ffect managerial incentives and how they change the design of incentive...
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We investigate the temporal structure that maximizes the winner's effort in large homogeneous contests, thus extending Hinnosaar (2019)'s analysis of total effort. We find that the winner's effort ranges from a lower bound of 0 to an upper bound of one third of the value of the prize, depending...
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We aim at characterizing which kind of functions could be explained (rationalized) as the best reply of payoff-maximizing agents in contests for a fixed prize. We show that the rationalizability strongly differs between Decisive Contests, where the prize is allocated with certainty, and Possibly...
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In many real-world contests (political elections / lobbying for public projects), contestants try to engage supporters (unemployed youth / local residents) to fight for them. Such contests have the following features: a significant part of a contestant's supporter compensation is contingent upon...
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In the world of satin bowerbirds, the male-birds engage in a contest among themselves to win their mates: they spend considerable time and effort in decorating their own bowers, and then attempt to destroy the decorations of their rivals' bowers. The female-birds, in turn, select their mates on...
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We propose a belief-based theory for private information games. A Bk player forms correct beliefs up to the k …, as in standard game theory. Heuristic beliefs ignore the distribution of types and are rather heuristic projections of … version of the game, where the entire hierarchy of beliefs is heuristic. We ground the belief-based theory on the …
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This paper studies the tax authority’s problem of how to estimate a tax payer’s income in a tax compliance game. The tax authority’s choice of how to estimate income is modelled using the Bayesian persuasion framework and assuming that income can be estimated arbitrarily precisely. I show...
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Drawing upon the Bayesian persuasion literature, I show that a mediator can provide conflicting parties strategically with information to decrease the ex-ante war probability. In a conflict between two parties with private information about military strength, the mediator generates information...
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This paper considers evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in a take-it-or-leave-it offer bargaining game with incomplete information. We find responders reject offers which yield a higher positive material payoff than their outside option. Proposers, in turn, make more attractive offers than...
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