Showing 1 - 10 of 611
Cette communication présente les effets des échanges extérieurs sur les revenus des dîffèrentes catégories socioprofessionnelles, puis rappelle les modes d'ajustement des marchés du travail qui ont pris place aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Il apparaît que l'importation de produits de...
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This paper comments on economic infrastructures (communication and public goods) ; it takes into account the economic, monetary and financial consequences of these investments, including their geographic orientation.
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Ce papier s'interroge sur les liens que l'on peut établir entre un programme d'ajustement structurel et la compétitivité des économies avant de déterminer les politiques économiques susceptibles de faciliter ce retour à la croissance des économies africaines.
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This paper presents the concepts and mesures of growth and poverty, and the complex interrelations between distribution and poverty reduction. Growth alone will not be able to eradicate poverty, and some specific actions must be directed toward some special groups of poors.
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This paper analyses the finanical crisis of Asia in 1997, Russia and Brazil in 1998. It shows the importance of prudential régulations of the financial system, and concludes on the economic and systemic consequences of the crisis for the countries (developing and developed) and for the...
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Dans le cadre des théories traditionnelles de la croissance, l'ouverture à l'extérieure des économies devrait entraîner une accélération de la croissance des pays en développement et, à terme, une convergence de l'ensemble des pays vers un même niveau de produit par tête. Ces faits...
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Drawing on a recent dataset of the Indian manufacturing industry for 1994 to 2008, this paper shows for eight sectors that core infrastructure and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) matter for Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and Technical Efficiency (TE).In the analysis, we use a range...
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This paper quantitatively assesses the interaction between permanent immigration into France and France's macroeconomic performance as seen through its GDP per capita and its unemployment rate. It takes advantage of a new database where immigration is measured by the flow of newly- issued...
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This paper focuses on the relationships between remittances, elections, and government consumption as a percentage of GDP. We combine data from the National Elections across Democracy and Autocracy (NELDA) dataset compiled and discussed in Hyde and Marinov (2012) and the World Development...
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A better understanding of the relationship between economic development and biodiversity loss is of great relevance, given the current rapid extinction of species along with challenges born from the context of economic development in poor countries. The purpose of the current study is to provide...
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