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The purpose of this study to help shed light on the entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and enterprise growth in Wenzhou …
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This paper attempts to assess the research done in the field of industrial sociology during the period 1987 and 2002. Only published work have been noted. The review does not cover unpublished M. Phil. and Ph. D. dissertations, nor does it take into account unpublished research reports. While...
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The main purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the central importance of legal reform within the context of second generation reforms. Unfortunately, this area is usually seen as peripheral to the economic reform process and only rarely attracts attention in the wider debate. However,...
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The present study attempts to see how a particular labour market, that is, domestic service, a traditionally male domain, became segregated both by gender and age in post partition West Bengal (WB) and mainly in its capital city Calcutta. [CESS WP 84].
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led by the entrepreneurs, policy makers and also other support organizations. There are several innovative options that … innovations for developing new products and services and (d) forging new partnerships among the entrepreneurs and also with the R … small entrepreneurs will anyway soon vote on the vision of the parties in taking country out of the current stressful …
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or practices, Indian small scale entrepreneurs will have to benchmark their current status in this regard with the best …
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The Overseas Development Institute in the UK recently carried out a study on ICT for rural livelihoods, commissioned by InfoDev. The study included a literature and donor review in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies, and country studies carried out with partners in...
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preamble to the act describes it as: An Act to provide for the payment of equal remuneration to men and women workers and for … the prevention of discrimination, on the ground of sex, against women in the matter of employment and for matters …
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The experiences of introducing the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) kit, which is developed to ensure correct collection of evidence in two public hospitals in Mumbai, to examine the provisions in the judgement and explore ways to expand its impact are drawn. [WP No. 1].
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The discussion focusses on women in poverty their concentration in rural and urban areas, and the organisational … approach for their mobilization and empowerment. Maximum emphasis has been placed on the empowerment of women at the grassroots … - namely, to the organisations of poor women in rural and urban areas. [CWDS]. …
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