Showing 1 - 10 of 51
This paper evaluates the efficiency and distributional effects of trade liberalization in the context of fiscal reform in Vietnam. The analysis is performed using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Vietnamese economy calibrated to late- 1990s production and household data. It is...
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The study examines the effects that trade liberalization will have on poverty in Nigeria. Previous studies have been limited by static and partial equilibrium analysis. We use a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model to analyze this issue. The more favorably affected sectors are capital...
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Ce papier décompose la contribution des politiques économiques majeures menées au Cameroun, dans la réduction de la pauvreté entre 1993 et 2001. Pour cela, un modèle de microsimulation en équilibre général calculable, avec double calibration a été utilisé. Il en résulte que les...
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A CGE microsimulation model is used to study the poverty impacts of trade liberalization in Zimbabwe. A sample of 14006 households from a 1995 household survey is individually modeled in a CGE framework. The experiment performed is a 50 percent reduction in all import tariffs. The sectors with...
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Dans ce travail, nous analysons les effets simulés de la réduction des droits de douane, telle que prévue dans l'Accord d'Association entre le Maroc et l'Union Européenne. Cette dernière s'accapare les deux tiers des échanges commerciaux marocains. L'analyse se fait à l'aide d'un MCEG. Ce...
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The paper uses a micro-simulation computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to study the impact on poverty of trade liberalisation in Zimbabwe. The model incorporates 14006 households derived from the 1995 Poverty Assessment Study Survey (PASS). The novelty of this paper is that it is one among...
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The research explores the gender aspects of policy reforms in Bangladesh in a sequential dynamic computational general equilibrium (CGE) framework. This research uses the most updated SAM of Bangladesh and is the first attempt to build a gendered sequential dynamic CGE model for the Bangladesh...
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A persistent and very high-income inequality is a well known feature of the Brazilian economy. However, from 2001 to 2005 the Gini index presented an unprecedented fall of 4.6 percent combined with significant poverty reduction. Previous studies using partial equilibrium analysis have pointed...
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Health is considered to be an extremely important component of human welfare. By the time India gained independence in 1947, achievement of good health had become an important national goal in its own right. Nevertheless, a vast public health infrastructure in India comprising of 145,000...
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This study builds Cambodia’s social accounting matrix. Using a CGE-based simulation, it then assesses the impacts of Cambodia’s tariff elimination on household welfare and the labour market. Our results show that tariff elimination leads to an expansion in production output and an increase...
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